Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How much am I at risk for skin cancer?

I have red hair and pale skin. I have a few freckles, but not as many as most red heads. When I was very young, it was fall and cold. My parents let me sit in the swings, and I fell asleep. It was a cloudy and cold day, but somehow my face got EXTREMELY sunburnt and it swelled. The doctor yelled at my mom a lot, and he said I would be permenently scarred, but it turns out, a small indent in my skin is only visibile when I give a big smile.

I get sunburnt extremely easily if I don't wear sunscreen used on babies. I never ever get tan, just sunburnt, and I am the only redhead in my family.

With this information, can you tell me how likey I am to develop skin cancer? I go to mexico/jamacia once every summer.

How much am I at risk for skin cancer?
Since you are fair skinned, you have lower levels of melanin, a natural skin protectant, which makes you more vulnerable to sunburns and sun damage. Sun damage can contribute to skin cancer. You must be very cautious. I can't tell you how likely you are to get skin cancer, that has to do with genetics, but your history does predispose you. Is there a history of skin cancer in your family? The best thing to do is to be checked by a dermatologist regularly.

If treated early, skin cancer is highly curable. If not it is deadly.

My father died from melanoma, a form of skin cancer. He kept dismissing a skin abnormality. If it was treated earlier he could be alive today.

Please take whatever precautions you can. Skin cancer can be very serious.
Reply:very much at risk
Reply:stay out of the sun or youll die
Reply:You people are pathetic...look in the yellow pages under "get a real life".
Reply:As long as you keep up with the suncreen and check your face and arms for odd blemishes and moles, you should be fine.

My dad was a farmer and spent more time outside than you have. He has cancer now, but that's also from 22 years of constant exposure to the sun.
Reply:more likely than other people but it shouldnt be a problem if you wear sunsceen every day; look for makeup with spf of at least 15 in it if u dont want a layer of sunsceen under it
Reply:98% more likely to get burnt because u have pale and fragile skin and because you have less immuniztion against the sun so u should always be covered and wear sun screen when ur not covered.
Reply:im redheaded and white too. you need to see a dermatoligist. also, just dont let your body to exposed to the sun. put sunscreen on your face and dont weat a bathong suit in the sun for more then 30 mins. i get sunburnt too and i have sun damage. us red heads are all at serioius risk for cancer. although you shud live your life too and not feel like a prisoner becuase ur afriad of cancer.
Reply:Everyone is at risk for skin cancer as a matter of fact I am going to see my skin doctor soon and get myself checked out.
Reply:since you are of a caucasian race, you are at great risk of having an skin cancer, you guys have less capacity to produce melanin in yuor skin, that helps blocks UV rays that's why people in the tropics are naturally brown in color and are not prone to skin cancer. the best way to avoid the skin cancer is to avoid the sun, wear sunblocks, apply it on your body 30 minutes before you go outside your house, even if its cloudy.....UV rays can penetrate the earth's atmosphere even it is cloudy. wear light clothes but make sure the those clothes are tightly woven. wear sunglasses.
Reply:I have red hair too. My doctor told me that if i didn't wear sunscreen in the summer even if it was cloudy that i would have a 95% chance of getting skin cancer. Since UV rays are very strong they pass through clouds. If they are capable of that then think of what it does to your skin if you don't wear extra strength sunscreen. To be on the save side i always wear at least 45 spf. In the long run, I would rather be ghost white than die because i wanted to be tan. The best time to be in the sun when your on vacation or just at home is before 11:00 or after 3:00, b/c between 11 and 3 is when the sun is the strongest.
Reply:Your risk falls in the extreme range. Wear a spf45+ sunblock such as Ombrelle. A wide brimmed hat with a kerchief sewn to the back is a good idea. The kerchief will keep your neck from getting scorched. Try to avoid being out in the sun from 10am to 4 pm. The weather channel usually broadcasts a daily UV report.

Also wearing long sleeves and summer weight pants or long skirts is great.
Reply:Almost the same as you. Basically any of us with pale skin and light hair (esp red, reddish or light brown) and light eyes can get skin cancer easily after (what has been reported) 3 sunburn exposures. Although any sunburn exposures are bad in general.

I've had about 4 bad sunburns in my lifetime, so now I will always have to monitor myself for any potential skin cancer problems.

Based on your information, yes you are at risk but you may not see anything now. Cancer comes on based on many factors...it may take decades for skin cancer to show itself, it may never, or it may come one day soon. Constant monitoring on your part along with better SPF sunscreen is important. Also get a dermatologist so you can get a yearly review and in-case you need an unusual mole or discoloration checked.

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