Stupid question perhaps, but I am probably the most ignorant :). All my life I've heard, "girls mature faster than boys." I used to get upset with that comment because with all the children and single young teenage mothers as a result, I thought that it was BS. Silly me. But I've changed my views and thought that maturity meant on an "adult" level of thinking....But that can't be it because that would mean females, on a whole, become adults at a young age which means that they should be considered adults :D..Or am I stating this incorrectly. Correct me and inform me. What does that saying (girls mature faster than boys) mean?
(Disclaimer: If you [reader] allowed this to get under your skin, then I'm glad. I'd be more impressed if I got "schooled" without a personal "assumed" insult, but that won't happen. Prove me wrong.)
What is maturity for a young woman?
S/hit, I'll let you know when I get there. People still assume I'm 16.
Reply:I didnt really start feeling like an adult till I turned 30. Sometimes I still dont feel like an adult. But everyone always told me I was mature for my age. I got along better with older kids. I think when they say girls mature faster its because girls stop laughing at farts at an earlier age.
Reply:I think all young women, like all young men, mature at different rates. Physically the average girl matures faster than the average boy. Emotionally, I haven't noticed much difference.
I think the meaning of the saying just stems from the fact that there was a time not too long ago when boys were allowed to act goofy until they were legally men, and then beyond that for some time. Girls were expected to stop acting goofy the day they got their first period. So they just LOOKED like they were mature. Deep inside, they were still little kids.
Like I still am!
Reply:Girls hit puberty earlier then boys and become sexually mature at a younger age then boys. Thats what people mean when they say 'girls mature faster than boys.'
Reply:i think its usually meant in the sense of taking responsibility for your actions... I'm not sure if there's really a truth to it or not, but the idea is that girls don't do stupid reckless stuff as much as boys because they are more "mature" and understand what the consequences of their actions are. whether this is just a combination of hormones acting or actual maturity is up to you.
Reply:It is a load of BS. To me, I can assume they refer to the way how they can socially interact and communicate. Other times it can be how they are capable of being a tad bit perceptive or how they behave in front of people; but, seriously, other than that, what is maturity for them? All I see from my own observations is that girls attempt to do "grown up" things that're not meant for their age range just because they believe it will make them look mature; even more stupid is that they actually think, from their own evalutaion of theirselves, that they can take some risks (I'm not only talking about sex here people....). A flaw that I tend to see is how vulnerable they can get when their emotions are messed with.
That comment is all based on imagery and observation, a natural human flaw we all have, yet we use it to supposedly better ourselves.
Reply:If and I mean if, girls are seen as more mature than boys, it has got to be the sobering effect that our biology has on us. We realize we can become mothers, literally, in the blink of an eye. The responsibility and burden is ours. Girls grow up, at least, on the outside.
I am the same girl I was at 19, now, 40 years later. I couldn't act stupid, then, without having a number of people talk to me about it. But, honestly, I heard everyone discount my contemporary male friends as guys just "sowing their oats."
Look anywhere and you'll see it in our expressions and in our expectations. It's "Young ladies must act respectably," or "Boys will be boys," - until the grave, it seems to me.
C. :)
Reply:When it's said the girls mature faster than boys, this has more to do with the onset of puberty. Just because the body is maturing doesn't mean the mind is following at the same rate. I was 11 when I went through puberty and I'll be the first to tell you, I was anything but emotionally mature.
Emotionally maturity happens at different rates for different people. Age doesn't mean anything. I think it has more to do with what life throws at you. (Experiencing things which made you have to grow up too fast as a child. Adult responsibilities including a career, marriage, parenthood, having to take care of your aging parents, etc.). The things I listed are no guarantee, of course, but apply to most people.
Reply:With the way a lot of girls my age behave and act, I don't know, and I'm 20!
Go into a store or fast food place, usually a guy around my age will be like "what's up" or be really nice. A girl typically around my age or even teenage will stick her nose up, talk to her friends, and have a nasty attitude and worry about her little chatty Kathies than service.
Even at my job, the young guys are cool and nice for the most part. The girls are all stuck up and bratty. And the funny thing is, if your polite to them they act real nasty and hostile, but to guys who harass them and tease them mercilessly, they are friends with them.
Girls aren't adults until they are 25, and no offense to the rare, mature young ladies out there, but most girls are just too fricking stupid for their own good. Ever see why we don't have a female president or a dedicated career woman so much? Because they're always worried about little petty things and cattiness. Sad huh?
Reply:Phyiscally it's usually true, girls start puberty at about 11 and boys about 13. The body psychically matures, grows into an adults.
Mentally it all depends on the person and where you are. In the UK I think because the age of consent for all things is lower, people tend to mature quicker. At 18 I was married and started my own business.
Maturity is about adopting a more adult rather than childlike view on life. There's a difference between psychology and child psychology, when we're teenagers we start developing more into the adult mind set.
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