Friday, August 20, 2010

Calling all dermatologists or eye skin specialists- Wrinkle help for a 20 year old.?

I am just twenty but I suddenly have lines under my eyes. I currently use Shiseido's "The Skincare Eye Soother" and it only reduces puffines and dark circles, it does do that well but I think I need to move on to something else for my wrinkles though.

1. I need recommendations for what to use.

2. I want to know if using anti-wrinkle cremes at such a young age will have long term negative effects or will they lose effectiveness over time. In other words, do eye cremes work like antibiotics do? Like we know we shouldn't take penicillin for a cold, do cremes and small lines have the same relationship? I know the biology behind my two analogies would not be the same though. I just want to make sure I do not over do anything on my skin.

Details: I don't get a lot of sleep but I can't change that because I'm a student at an academically rigorous school, I have an internship, and I believe in a social life. I am working on getting decent amounts of sleep though.

Calling all dermatologists or eye skin specialists- Wrinkle help for a 20 year old.?
I suggest you seek professional advice from a dermatologist. It is very hard for us to treat and advice you without seeing your skin. You are way too young for retinol but a glycolic treatment may help you.


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