Monday, August 23, 2010

Is it true or not that if you feed a baby a certain food when they are young they will become allergic to it?

Not sure if this has been asked before or not. But I was watching a episode of Tori and Dean "Inn Love", a few months ago and Dean was feeding their son a bit of chocolate. The nanny caught him and told him not to do that because the baby would become allergic to it. Had me wandering, because when I was younger my mom had given me a chocolate cake(a small one) for like my second bday. And indeed in the pics that she took I was tearing that thing up, lol. But it still got me thinking is it possible for babies to form food allergies from things they never had before, by eating it very young? Because I don't really believe the scientists and deremtologists when they say no one is allergic to chocolate. Because I know when I eat some now, I always get breakouts. I also have naturally oily skin too. But I'm using the proactiv and other facial cleansers as well that sort of help. But between stress and a bit of chocolate I have major breakouts. Anyone think there could be a connection there?

Is it true or not that if you feed a baby a certain food when they are young they will become allergic to it?
Your breakouts (unless you are getting hives) are not because you are allergic per se to chocolate. Some foods cause acne outbreaks in some people while others do not. This is probably something that you will outgrow.

The theory that feeding foods at an early age can cause allergy is more often seen with nuts than anything else. I dont know the scientic proof or disproof, but nuts are one of those crazy things. And one does become allergic with repeated exposure.

I think most 'reactions' in children is simply because there system cannot handle the food yet, as someone above me mentioned with honey.

And contrary to someone else, allergies are not genetic, not always atleast. I have a crap load of allergies, and no family history. You can develope allergies over time, and current allergies can disappear over time. It just depends on your immune system and how much you are exposed to the allergen.
Reply:This is not true. Foods are introduced to a child slowly so not to upset their stomachs and to be able to determine which foods the child may or not be allergic to. There are certain foods a child cannot have until after their second birthday, such as honey. A child's immune system cannot handle honey.
Reply:Yes, it is true that babies can develope allergies if they are fed anything but formula or breast milk for the first 6 months. After that foods should be added one at a time in the order that pedicatricians recommend. That being said, give your poor mom a break. There haven't always been an abundance of information out there about child raising and the internet is a relatively new thing in the scheme of things. Eating chocolate cake when you were two probably didn't make you allergic to chocolate. By the time we are two, our digestive systems are developed enough to handle most things.
Reply:allergies are genetic.if u got them u got them if u dont u dont.
Reply:yes its true tht some babies have allergies to certain food because mayb because of their inmune system not tht strong yet or could be due to the body could not accept tht certain kind of depends also the age of the infant as u were saying whn u were a baby ur mum feed u chocolate, i don thk its healthy for a small child as its not the proper kind of food tht a baby should eat.erm...u are allergy to chocolate well im not quite sure abt this but im sure many ppl do have allergies to different kind of food like i have a fren who is allergy to nuts..well u gt to bear wit it.

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