Was looking at my dog here as he sleeps. And I noticed that the one side of his nose has some flacky scaley skin on it. Now it doesn't seem to bother him. But it worries me. He is a rescue dog I have on had for about a week. When he was rescued he was near death and almost did die several times. According to the medical records that were given to me at the adoption. Before I adopted him I took him to the vet and I didn't ask or even notice this patch of skin on his nose at that time. But the vet didn't see or mention it either. Should I be worried? Could this be related to the mang he had as a very young puppy, or is it all in my head.
Please Help!!
Worried about my puppy he has some thick flacky skin on his nose?
This happens to every dog. Don't stress out about it.
It's not related to a past case of mange. It's no different than when you get the occasional dry patch of skin.
Relax about your puppy. With all of the past medical problems that he had, he's had plenty of blood work done. If there were anything for you to be concerned about, it would have shown up.
I've been training and breeding dogs for over 10 years, and I see "flaky" noses all the time. It's natural.
Just leave it alone. If you tamper with it, then you could cause your puppy some problems like discomfort.
Reply:Snap into a Slim Jim!.... Ohhhh Yeeeeah!
Reply:this is normal dogs use their noses a lot for burying things if in doubt take him to a vet...
Reply:We had a dog come in the office with some of what you describe. It ended up being a viral infection. If it's bothering you, you can have the vet take a look at it. He may take a scraping and send it to the lab for further evaluation. You could also just give the vet a buzz, describe the area and see what he says.
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