We recently purchased a young (under 4mos) cockatiel. After giving her a little bath we noticed a bump [pretty small in size,firm, yellowish in color] on her head, in the center of her crest. She's getting new feathers at the moment near it so we weren't sure if this was where her surrounding skin tried to heal over a feather folicle orrr if it's something more serious. She itches that area, because of the new feathers, and it does not come off like a scab or become scratched, etc etc.
does anybody know what this is? is it normal?
Young cockatiel with bump on head?
best to take it to a vet because when you get a new baby parrot, one of the first things you should do is take it for a check up just INCASE something is wrong with it. I recently purchased a baby parrot and when their new feathers grow in, the breeder say that it hurts them a bit so not to pet them as much but if your cockatiel is itching it, you should really get it check. I hope nothing is wrong with your new baby!! hopefully its nothing but you should get it checked out anyway... good luck!
Reply:maybe a vet should check it out
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