Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is blood good for your skin? (i.e. bathing in it)?

I heard that it makes your skin look and stay younger.....

Is blood good for your skin? (i.e. bathing in it)?
Definitely NOT. Whenever I make love to my wife at that time of the month I always have to wash myself off immediately or else as it dries up it causes the skin to become dry and tight. Why don't you try moisturizing cream instead of unmoisturizing blood?
Reply:Why don't you just bathe your skin in something similar to blood, or ingredients blood has in iron.....

where would you get a tub of blood anyways?
Reply:Um first of all how would you get that much blood unless you killed someone..

Eek who came up with that idea, im not sure if it works but it sounds way dodgey
Reply:i dont know how good it is for your skin but be careful of any diseases that can be caught. i really wouldnt suggest it. just try a good lotion.
Reply:omg, this question reminds me of that crazy transylvanian woman who bathed in young girls' blood because it would "make her look younger". same response to her as to you. umm...
Reply:What have you been reading? The Countess Bathory (aka The Bloody Countess) believed that bathing in virgin blood made her skin whiter and younger. She killed hundreds of young women for this until her family finally stopped her. She was considered to be insane. And the answer is no, blood does not make the skin look and stay younger.
Reply:Ok, THAT is gross. 2nd, WHO did you kill? Where did you hear such a thing? Try a good lotion and vitamins, like biotin for your skin.
Reply:I don't think it really does. A woman who lived long ago thought it did, so she killed young women and drained them of their blood so she could bathe in it. you want to do that? I hope not?
Reply:Ok why would someone bathe in blood. That sounds real gross. I wouldn't do it even if you didn't have to drain a whle human body to do it. It doesn't sound sanitary.
Reply:ewwwww.....come on, bathing in BLOOD?!?!?!?! dude, that is wacked out... where did u hear about it? stick with the spa...
Reply:You must have been talking to a vampire!!

There is absolutely NO evidence that blood will do anything to help your skin.

Where would you even get that amount of blood and how would you know it wasn't contaminated?

The thought is really quite sickening if you stop and think about it.

If you want to make or keep or skin look and stay younger..stay out of the sun without sunscreen,wash it daily and moisturize(talk to someone at the cosmetic counter or a dermatologist to determine what type of products would be best for your skin type),don't smoke,eat properly and generally take good care of yourself.

Also remember that how your skin ages depends a lot on genetics as well..if your family ages well you likely will too if you live a healthy life.

Stay away from crackpots who advice you to bathe in blood..YUCK!!!
Reply:You replace your outter skin cells every 24 to 72 hours.

Nothing you put on skin will keep you looking anything.

Lotions will help in the short term.

Healthy skin is both given nurition from within the body - mostly clear water and protected on the outside by not being abrasive and damaging it. New cells push off the old dead cells in a normal cycle.
Reply:WTF??? and What??
Reply:Have you been watching T.V about the Countess Bathory the Bloody Countess. It's not true, she was just a psychopath.
Reply:Too few people do this for science to know the answers. To be sure, you'll have to do it, then report the results to a dermatologist who will publish the results. First line up the 30 or so blood donors, who will sacrifice their lives for this, fill that tub, and go to it. Do you know how many hours you will soak? Do you know how you'll clean off the coagulated blood? Do you know how to clean the tub? Do you know if your sewer company will mind? Will you have the press there? Can we come?
Reply:If it were true, i think Cleopatra would have bathed in it first.
Reply:Try melatonin, it is a sleep aid, but it also reverses the aging process when taken over time. All you have to do is take one a couple of hours before bed. It does take a month or two of reegular use, but its far better than any surgery or bathing in blood.
Reply:yaks, what kind of blood are you going to get to bathe in? Use milk!
Reply:are you a serial killer? if yes try and after let us know if it works.
Reply:I've heard that too one of my friends told me some one she knew use to was their face in their period blood and it actually got rid of her acne.Its gross but what ever floats your boat.
Reply:thats just a scary story
Reply:no its just makes you skin react differently and ive tried, i got rashes
Reply:Uh, yuck! Minn. Water has enough iron in it. Just use that

and sunscreen
Reply:That's a first 4 me.....I know tomato juice is good 4 bathing in. it does make your skin silky soft. You can add a cup 2 a full tub of water u can use daily if u desire.
Reply:Your so weird..its sexy
Reply:lol.... bathing in blood? Is this a serious question?
Reply:girl you crazyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! bathing in blood you should go to a spa or something bathing in blood can give you AIDS or something besides you'd have to kill at least 7 persons to get a tub full of blood !!!!!! :o
Reply:absolutly not. in fact it clogs the opening in the skin which makes the skin glow

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