Today I found a spot on my back... I have no idea how long it has been there, but I am freaking out because I think its a bad sign of skin cancer... It is a light brown fleshy colored oval spot with irregular borders when you look at it close, its slightly raised.... I am so scared. I went to a few websites.. but Im still freaking out. What kind of professional do I need to make an app with to have my skin looked at? Please tell me everything you know : ( If it means anything I have an olive skin tone but when i was younger I spent a lot of summers trying to get dark at the poolside and used tanning beds exclusively about 2 years.
I am freaking out about skin cancer?
I had a similar spot last year. Go to a dermatologist. The doc will determine if the spot should be removed or not. Depending on your insurance, you may need to see your primary physician first and get a referral. Don't put it off. Even a melanoma (the worst kind) can be superficial and easily treated. But the longer you wait, the more damage the spot can do to you if it's a serious problem. Good luck. I was lucky and caught mine in time. You're wise to be concerned and more wise to get treated right away.
Reply:No need to freak out. Just go to your doctor.
It's probably just a mole or other skin blemish, but if it's a BCC, he'll cut or burn it out, and get a pathology report on it.
Reply:Better to be safe than sorry. First step is to see your local general practioner. If it is a problem, he or she may be able to deal with in their surgery. Alternatively, you may then be referred you to a dermatologist. I would avoid going straight to a skin cancer clinic, as they can (not all but some) be a bit dodgy.
Reply:Ulimately you need to see a dermatologist, but first go to your regular Dr. and he/she can probably tell you if it is possibly cancer. There are three types, but only melanoma is dangerour and aggressive.
I grew up in Phoenix and at nearly 50 I have had several on my arms, but they were only basal cell and are easy to remove and take years to spread from the localized area, as a rule.
Still, if it is melenoma, you need to know and get it removed.
Chances are it is not. See your Dr. ASAP and he/she will know if it is anything to be dealt with. Don't panic.
Reply:You would see a dermatolgist. Most doctors spend about two weeks on skin in school, period. Dermatologists specialize in any kind of skin issue.
You did not list your age. Often we get pretty scary-looking spots called "keratosis" which can be "actinic keratosis" or seborheic ketatosis, both wich are benign, except the actinics are sometimes considered "pre-cancerous". They are often frozen off at the dermatologists office with liquid nitrogen. After treatment, they crust up and peel off after one or two weeks.
Things to watch for:
Moles which itch, grow up or out and are two or more colors, especially any which turn black.
Red spots that do not go away and bleed if rubbed.
Non-healing sores. If a sore is still present after two weeks, it is time to be seen.
Lesions, moles or age spots that look much different on one side than the other, are mulitiple colored, or that itch.
Any mole that turns black, no matter how small needs checked.
If there is skin cancer in your family, the whole family should be checked every year.
The sun we got when we were young comes back and haunts us when we are older. Keratoses look very scary, are common, and can be treated easily, but are not usually something that will hurt you. They just look ugly.
It always takes awhile to see a dermatologist, so take a deep breath, check out the American Dermatological Association's web page and to get some good ideas of what it is you may have. If you search under "skin lesions" you should get some pictures. The Mayo Clinic is a good site. So is WebMD. Watch out for the derm. sites trying to sell you something.
Good luck.
Reply:It's very possible that the mark you found is cancerous, and if you believe it is I would go to a doctor ASAP. But it also could just be a new mole that has formed. If you don't want to waste the money going to the doctor unless you're sure it's something to be worried about wait until symptoms get a little worse. (Color change, swelling, etc) But if you're that worried I suggest you see a doctor ASAP.
Reply:calm down you dot need to be going crazy aout getting skin cancer . there are oter way you can get it expect beingin outdoor too long. you can get it if you dont even take care of yourself and eating healthy foods or even use sun screen before you heading out side . you should contact youre doctor about geting a treatment medican that they can gave you ,but not like going hurt your body . there is also a place where you can go to to take care of moles thats the name for skin cancer . you can go get appointment where the doctor had medican and treatment to remove skinlmoles easlier way . and doesnt hurt at all, what you do there is they will ask you to lay down on a bed and they have somone do the right job so you wouldnt able get anymore. on any where in youre skins. and body . i had mind moles removed at my skin doctor office in CA but its wasnt so cheap to get it done , in depend where you live at and how the doctors will ask for costs . maybe you can ask youre parents or anyone like youre friends that had it done before can help you out .next time you should put alot of sun screen on all over youre body before you planning to go out side on the hot summer time . you also should wear a cap or a hat to cover youre whole face cause you can get on youre face too. wear light comftable colors clothings to block the sunshine .
Reply:See a dermatologist. Spending a lot of time in the sun when you are young is a good way to get skin cancer - tanning beds are just as bad.
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