Saturday, July 24, 2010

Weird Habit ========== Peeling Dead Skin ==============?

Does anybody else have the habit of peeling any kind of dead skin on their body that they see?

If I see ANY little piece of dead skin, I HAVE to peel it off.

A lot of the time, I end up bleeding.

Ever since I was young, I've done that.

My parents have told me too that my thumbs will end up getting infected or somethin'.

I'm so stubborn too.

I won't just get a nail clipper and cut it off.

I have to pull it off myself.

I do it on the sides of my thumbs. And if I see or feel a piece of really dry skin on my lips, I have to peel that too... and yes, it bleeds sometimes.

I'm weird. : /

Oh well. Anyone else do this?

Weird Habit ========== Peeling Dead Skin ==============?
I did that too. Then my toe got infected. For months, if anything any heavier than a sock touched it, I would feel like screaming, and tears would literally well up in my eyes. This was particularly fun since my 3-year-old is something of a klutz, and I had never realized before my toe hurt that bad how often he stumbled or otherwise stepped on that very toe. Also, I had just gotten a job with business dress, and I couldn't wear heels (and ALL my decent shoes were heels), so I had to get special permission to wear flip flops and later untied sneakers (when it got cold) with my dress clothes.

I no longer have the urge.

At the same time, my husband had the same kind of thing going on with his finger.

Keep this in mind, any time you pick until you bleed, you are opening your skin up for infection. The bleeding evidences a break in the skin. Since with this kind of thing, it can be just a tiny amount of bleeding, that actually makes it worse. With large injuries, you're really aware of them and keep them clean and covered. If you pick at your skin, have a teeny amount of bleeding then go about your life, you're not taking care of it the way you would if it were larger, but bacteria can get in there just as easily.

Keep clippers with you, and try to break the habit. It is a stupid reason to be in pain and have to go get medication because you refused to take care of your skin just so you could pick.

Also, if you have a lot of dead skin around your nails, particularly on your thumbs, you may very well have a vitamin deficiency. That's a symptom, but it's not the only thing suffering, so make sure you're taking a good multivitamin with lots of water (not soda, juice, tea or coffee).

For goodness sakes, don't purposely choose to pick when you're aware that you should be clipping it.
Reply:yes i do it

like on my lip or if i get a really bad sunburn and it peels its wierd
Reply:Umm, no but spmetimes I pick on my scab!!! =)
Reply:I have to admit that a few years ago, I had this thing about peeling the skin off the bottom of my heels. There were these huge calouses there and after I'd get out of the shower I just couldn't resist. I'm all better now, though.
Reply:I do it too, but on my toes. mostly my big toe. But i don't go to the point of bleeding.I know, i'm weird too.
Reply:I peel the skin on the tips of my fingers..usually from the cold they get very dry and start to peel.
Reply:Well if there is a sunburn or it is peeling for some other reasn I don't make layers peel if they arent if that is what you mean.
Reply:i used to do it all the time, i think it's something to do with i don't do it ever
Reply:this is embarrassing but kind of yes-I do sometimes!!

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