Saturday, July 24, 2010

I really like smooth skin on a girl, yet everyone says I should date girls my own age, yet their skin is rough

I'm 19 and when I see a girl with rough sun damaged skin I feel so sad for her, because I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole, and isn't smooth skin what's best, prettiest? So why am I always getting perverted remarks when I say some young 12%26amp;up girl is pretty, hot or lovely? What am I supposed to think or say? I feel so bad and guilty so now I don't say anything. But line up a few girls and the first one I'll look at will be the youngest!? Am I supposed to just look past the roughness to the person inside? What if I'm just not attracted to her because of the outside? Should I only take her out after dark so I can't see it?

I really like smooth skin on a girl, yet everyone says I should date girls my own age, yet their skin is rough
I can't believe you even think this s**t in your head! And even wrote a whole paragraph about it!

Grow up, get a life or else you will be spending a lot of time in prison.

I bet your skin is not so lovely either, so you shouldn't expect from someone else what you cannot deliver yourself!

Oh and your last line probably applies to what any girl would say about you. You're not fit for society, get some psychological help man!
Reply:12 and Up? You are the cancer of society. Go to your local Doctors surgery- and ask for urgent medical attention. if you find 12 year olds attractive at 19- there is something wrong with you.

Next your'll be behind a yellow school bus, perving on little girls leaving school.
Reply:you need to give her a moisturizing lotion; btw, outside look is not the most important, it's what's inside
Reply:I am frightened for your friends and family - especially those who have children.

You have a disease and you need to go and see someone about it. Ever seen the woodsman?

Go read "Lolita" and then decide if you don't have an issue.

19 year old girls are STILL children themselves. I think they should be counting their lucky stars you won't go near them.

I'm serious - you need help - I may just report you so you can get some help.

Yeah - JUST reported you dude.
Reply:dude that's not kool.....that's what lotion is for find a person and give it to them as a gift. lol. that's kinda shallow anyways


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