I went to the doctor after I experienced bowel problems and she thought I had hemorhoids. But when I went back after period of time, she realized it wasn't hemorhoids, but a skin tag. My mom later told me that she always noticed something there when I was as young as a baby. I know what skin tags are, but I have'nt read anywhere if they can form in the anus, only in the groin. It has never bothered me whatsoever since, and the doctor didn't say it was crucial to have surgery, only if I wanted to.
Is it possible for a skin tag to be located in the anus?
Anal skin tabs/tags are the shapeless lumps and flaps of skin or flesh found at the anal verge. Anal skin tags are an extremely common condition and are frequently associated with other anorectal problems.
Anal skin tags are usually the result of a prior anorectal insult or injury. An acute swelling of an external hemorrhoid, if left untreated, frequently leaves behind a skin tab - also referred to as a hemorrhoidal tab. The skin tab's blood supply from the hemorrhoidal artery above may then give rise to the development of an even larger hemorrhoid. Swollen skin edges as a result of prior rectal surgery may also develop into skin tabs.
A sentinel tag is that skin tab which is situated at the inferior border of an infection or injury, as if it is watching or guarding over. A sentry or sentinel is one that keeps guard - thus the name. Anal fissures and fistula are often associated with secondary changes, which may include a sentinel tag. The proximal end of a fissure or fistula may contain granulation tissue that extrudes, beginning the formation of a sentinel tag.
The skin tag is often first noticed by the patient, as a painless soft protrusion beginning near the opening of the anus. If a skin tag is perceived by the patient as causing pain, frequently the physician will find an associated rectal condition which is the actual cause of the pain.
Cleanliness can be a problem. Fecal debris may become trapped under the tag upon wiping in one direction. If there is more than one tab, the problem is multiplied. Itching (pruritus) often develops to make a bad situation worse. Skin tabs may indicate the presence of a more serious rectal ailment that needs careful attention.
Anal tags are generally asymptotic and often are the remnants of previous inflammatory lesion in the anal area. When tags are symptomatic, as a result of itching, pain, anxiety or hygienic problems, they can be removed, and/or biopsied to confirm their etiology. Anoscopy may enable the physician to identify the cause or find other lesions. If tags are small, local anesthetic is injected, then the area is excised. Laser has been used successfully to obliterate skin tabs and resurface the anal area to achieve a good cosmetic result. If extensive, skin tab surgery may need to be undertaken in the operating room. Any surgery in the anal area, no matter how small, may cause some postoperative pain
Reply:sure they can be anywhere... i have one between my legs.. and i do not mean directly on my privates ( female here) but on my right side... i get annoyed with mine... but i dont want to have surgery to remove it..
i have often thought of getting that stuff to freeze off warts and trying that on it...
Reply:Skin tags can form anywhere on the skin. The anus is just as likely to get a skin tag as the groin, the neck, under the arms, anywhere where skin touches skin. Does it bother you? If it doesn't , don't do anything about it. Skin tags are normally very small, so unless it's tearing often due to the position on the anus, I would say leave it be.
Reply:I have had them and I believe they can grow anywhere. Mine were on my ear, and on my inner thigh...
My dad had them too, so I think it's hereditary.
Thanks Dad!
But surgery is not necessary. You go to the office, they freeze the area, the doc goes "snip" and it's over. Otherwise I've heard of people tying the tag off with thread, thereby cutting off the blood flow, letting the thing fall off. It'd be hard to find a willing friend though huh...
Good Luck anyway. See the doc!
Reply:Yes, I have one located really close to mine. The doctor says i's really no big deal. Sure it isn't for him, he doesn't have to worry about one. It kinda hurts sometimes and I wish it wasn't there.
Reply:yeah, you can get skin tags on your botty. my husband has one, and alarmingly freckles in the area also.
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