Monday, November 21, 2011

How to keep young? why chinese and japanese can do that?

I am at my late 20s, I have a lot of asian friends, they are my age but they always look at least 3 to 4 years younger than their age. Some of them are 30 but their skin only look 23-25? How can they do that? Is that genetic?

I have started to notice my other friends from USA and Germany, they aged faster after 25.

Why is that?

How to keep young? why chinese and japanese can do that?
I am japanese, and i can tell you that we are stupidly crazy about skin care.That might be one of reasons that we have good skin. In summer, friends of mine in japan wear sunglasses, white gloves, sun screen and long sleeved shirts and use UV-proof umbrella when they go out. My best friend came to NY in summer and she was wearing those, and at lunch she just took 5-10 vitamin pills, so my american friends secretly asked me if she had some serious skin disease or was seriously ill. She isn't! She's just being a "hip" japanese girl!
Reply:I think this is something genetic. Most of the asian girls look younger than their real age and they always have better skin even they are in their 40s.Western girls look their best at 20-25, but really do age faster after 26.
Reply:The oils in the diet...high ammts of fish
Reply:Hmmm...could be all the green tea they drink! It's amazing stuff, full of antioxidants.
Reply:someone told me it is because of the amount of oil in their skin. usually people think that it would be bad, but the amount of oil in their skin keeps them from "aging faster" and looking older. even if they are girls and they use oil control makeup they still dont look as old as they are.
Reply:i'm asian and i hate fish. does that mean i'm going to age faster?!!! altho i do drink green tea sometimes.

idk if it's such a good thing that we look younger tho...when ur in ur teens and early 20s that makes u look immature and baby-ish compared to the other ppl ur age!!! (i swear i feel like i still look like i'm nine)
Reply:I'm asian and I don't think it has anything to do with genetics.

It's because the food that asians typically eat don't have as much fat and stuff. I'm Vietnamese and I always eat viet food because it's one of the healthiest foods on the world.

Well, it's just my opinion. I hope it helps you at least a little bit. ^____^
Reply:i think it depends on what stage the asians you're looking at, are in life. i'm of asian descent and i wish it was always true that we look younger than we really are. in my teens and 20's, i did look younger than i actually was. now that i've entered my 30's, i'm starting to look my age (this applies to my sisters and some of my other asian friends as well). thinking back on how my grandmothers looked in their 70's and 80's, they pretty much looked their age.

it may be a result of a combination of things. i'm sure genetics has something to do with it. diet and limiting sun exposure may also have something to do with it. my friends from asia are particularly good about limiting their sun exposure and putting on sun block while my asian friends born/raised in the u.s. don't care as much...i definitely notice a difference.

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